

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 3 months ago

What is nerdcurious/ Who is it for ?



nerdcurious is a salon-style gathering intended as a resource for learning and socializing for those who consider themselves 'nerdcurious' and/or are nerds, geeks, dorks themselves.


You are nerducurious if:


  • You are interested in technology, but don't necessarily have a technological background. There might be gaps in your knowledge, or areas in which you could benefit from some hands-on skills.
  • You utilize Web 2.0 technology and sites, but don't fully understand the ins and outs and would like a more comprehensive understanding and potentially more productive user experience.
  • You are on social networking sites like consumating.com (one of our target demographics)
  • You often feel that there is a bar to participation in events like Creative Commons Salons or BarCamp because you lack knowledge of the 'geek speak,' acronyms, etc. that are used. You want to be able to have a basic understanding of these topics so you can at least hold your own with your geek friends.
  • You want to prove your 'geek cred.' (see above)
  • You have a philosophical/sociological interest in technology (especially participatory web technologies), and want a more complete understanding of the Big Picture.

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